Why I'm Making This

January 31, 2025

In a world of low-entropyI call it low-entropy because everything is so incredibly predictable (any LLM could trivially recreate our timelines). Out of spite for this performative predictability, I aim to write things an LLM wouldn't generate. The compressibility of an idea is a decent proxy for how much impact publishing it will have. slop on LinkedIn, shitposting on X, and fleeting thoughts disappearing down timelines, I want a place to publish concrete (and at least somewhat developed) ideas. I don't fancy myself a writer or even a thinker of interesting and useful thoughts, but writing is important. The act of writing forces us to formalize our ideas, leading to more precise formulations and mental schemas. So, this place will serve as a sort of mind gym for formalizing whatever ideas I have.

I'm keeping this site intentionally bare. No engagement metrics, no comment sections, no social features - just static HTML with some Tufte CSS and a GitHub Pages deployment. I'll mostly write about technical problems that interest me, particularly in systems and functional programming. Sometimes I'll dump thoughts that are too long to post on X but not quite technical enough to count as engineering posts.

If that sounds worthwhile to you, cool. If not, also cool - I'm mainly writing to organize my own thoughts anyway. I'll post when I have something worth saying.